Plympton Gardeners Association


February 2025 Newsletter

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 6th February. There will be a short AGM followed by a talk on Adventurous Plants, by Ben Candlin. As usual, the meeting is at Harewood House, Plympton, starting at 7.30 – doors open at 7.00. Free tea and coffee, raffle, informal competition and the sales/swap table. Schedules for the Spring show will be available at the meeting.

Annual General Meeting

Please see below for a list of the current officers and their role within the committee. All Committee members have indicated that they are willing to continue in office, if so elected. Any other member is welcomed to submit their name and the office they would like to be considered for. Please contact the Secretary or Chairman, prior to the meeting. John Gilding 330607 or Carol 336057

The committee have proposed a small change to the Constitution of the Association. Please see details below.

Spring Show – SATURDAY 15th MARCH

Something positive to look forward to! For the show to be successful many volunteers are needed and we would like members to get involved especially as stewards and runners. If you have never helped before don’t be put off - we will give training and guidance. Many people who helped for the first time last year said how much they enjoyed it and how much they learnt. Other help required is for catering, plant sales etc. and most importantly clearing up at the end of the show. Many shows across the country are folding due to lack of support – we are one of the few remaining in the Plymouth area so we think it important that we are seen to be successful. Please see (or ring) Paul Hutchings 07974 406179.

Coffee Bar

The Coffee Bar at the beginning of January raised over £590. An excellent effort and we are sincerely grateful to all those members who contributed in some way. From the servers and sandwich makers, the dish-washers, the cake donations, the donations the tombola and bric-a-brac and to those who just came along to support the cause – thanks to you all. A special mention of thanks to Lloyd for coordinating it all. The next coffee bar is in July.

Christmas Sweets Containers

Just a reminder that we would like any empty Quality Street, Roses and Celebrations containers you may still have. Dartmoor Wildlife Park are collecting them as part of a fund-raising effort. Please bring them to the meeting and pass to Jill or Phil.


Thanks to all those members who have already paid their £5. Subscriptions can be paid at the February meeting or by bank transfer using the following details:

             a/c name              Plympton Gardeners                      

Sort Code            30-94-58

Account No.         00930198

Reference            your surname

Daffodil Competition

Just a reminder to those people taking part in this members-only competition, that we will be judging entries at the March meeting. You might like to start talking nicely to your daffs! and pray that the weather plays its part.

Group Trips

We are planning on running 2, may be 3 trips in 2025. Nothing has been finalised yet but the information we have so far:

Bicton Botanical Gardens – planned date Friday 6th June – cost approx. £30 to be confirmed


Forde Abbey House and Gardens (Near Chard, Somerset)

                                Planned date Wednesday 16th July -cost approx. £35 to be confirmed.


Possibly Trelissick NT garden in September


No monies will be taken until March when we have final confirmation.



PGA Officers 2024


Position                               Current Holder


President                             Terri Beer

Vice President                    Keith Clapton

Vice President                    Bob Shaw


Committee Members   

Chairman                             John Gilding

Secretary                             Carol Penhallurick

Ast Secretary                      Vacant

Treasurer                             Bernice Lewin

Ast. Treasurer                     Lynne Langridge

Membership Sec               Phil Warren

Ast. Membership Sec      Pam Bee

Social Sec (Trips etc)        Phil Warren

Show Sec.                            Paul Hutchings

Ast. Show Sec                     Debbie Swane

Trading/Sales                     Phil Warren & Sue Bone

Communications              Chris Bishop

(Web Site, Press, Minutes)                                           

Coffee Bar Organiser       Lloyd Hills

Deputy Coffee Bar           

Organiser                             Jennifer Eaglestone

Download all attachments as a zip file

  • Balance_Sheet_2024.pdf


  • PGA Summary sheet 2024.pdf


  • Constitution Jan 25 draft PDF.pdf


January  2025 Newsletter

Wishing all our members a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.


Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 6th February.


Membership Subscriptions

Membership remains at £5. Ideally, we would like members to pay by bank transfer:

           a/c               Plympton Gardeners                 

Sort Code     30-94-58

Account No. 00930198

Reference    your surname


Alternatively, please pay by cash at the January coffee bar or by cash at our regular meetings.


Coffee Bar

A message from Lloyd –

Plympton Gardeners are running the Coffee Bar at Harewood House from Monday 6th January to Friday the 10th from 10am to 2pm each day.


We would welcome any additional help to that already offered, even if it's just for a few hours.  We especially could do with more help on Thursday if you have any time free.


We would also appreciate any offers of bakes during the week as the first week can be quite busy with people keen to get out after the holidays.


Finally, we are running our Bric a Brac stall and Tombola all week so if you want to drop by with any donations during the week we would be delighted to see you (someone will be attendance from 9.00am- 2.00pm daily). In 2025 we are supporting and raising funds for the Plymouth branch of the Elder Tree befriending charity.


If you can help at all or just need a bit more information, please contact Lloyd Hills at or on 07579767124


 Recycling Opportunity

We would encourage members to support the Dartmoor Zoo (Sparkwell) Recycle and Raise campaign.

After Christmas, when all your festive treats have been eaten up, Dartmoor Zoo are collecting clean plastic tubs for recycling and raising funds. They will accept, until 15th February 2025, the following items which can be left at their gatehouse. Alternatively, please bring them along to the Coffee Bar next week, the February meeting or pass to Jill or Phil.

          Confectionary tubs (Celebrations, Quality Street & Roses etc.)

          Ice Cream tubs

          Cracker tubs

          Milk bottle tops

          Plastic Takeaway containers

Put them to one side before Green Bin collection day.


Spring Show    Saturday 15th March

Schedules are now available, please contact Paul Hutchings 07974 406179;

Programme for 2025


FEB 6th     AGM Followed by a talk by Ben Candlin on  “Adventurous Plants”

MAR 6th    Daffodils and Saltram–Martin Stott


Mar 15th   SPRING SHOW

APR 3rd    “Lovely Plot” - Olga Grieves

MAY 1st    All about Pelargoniums – Brian Carlson

JUNE 5th   Knowing your soil – Becky Searle

JULY 3rd    Bees and honey -Mark Grieves

AUG 7th    How to revive a tired garden- Elizabeth Holman


SEPT 4th   Creating a planted display - Stella Exley

OCT 2nd   “A Westcountry girl of colour” – Jacquie Felix


NOV 6th    Floral Celebrations – Sue Minter



Members enjoyed a Christmas social evening in December. Al Wallers provided the music and there were quizzes,

 bingo, a raffle and a very tasty buffet supper. A cheque for £1150 was presented to a representative of the PGA

 charity for 2024, First Responders.



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